Friday, March 15, 2019

18A – Create a Customer Avatar

Image result for teens

My customer avatar is someone in their teens to youth adult. Age 14-20 they are young and in school learning new things and exploring new things to try and do, fitting in with trends and socializing trying to find their crowd. They will be starting to see and be around people using or have interest in drinking, drugs, and smoking. At some point they may be offered to join in and try smoking or juuling.

They have moral sense and know not to fall for using a product with nicotine considering the risks for addiction but may try anyways to satisfy curiosity and go with the flow of their environments encouragement for it.  They may fall for the product due to having a new fun object to play with, trying different flavors to smoke and get buzzed with or get so swept up in using it with others they unknowingly become addicted.

My customer may have veered off the beaten path towards addiction or managed to keep themselves away from it. Either way their knowledge and understanding of Juuls and e cigarettes around them will rise. And if they become addicted they now need to find a way to stop.

My customer is a young person in school, who will be naive to the dangers of nicotine and harsh reality of addiction. They wont take warning for not using the product seriously. They will most likely wont realize how bad their problem becomes until they can go without, get called out on it by a peer, or can no longer fund it.

I am similar to my avatar because until coming to college and seeing my friends start juuling and looking into the product more I never really thought much of it. And its no coincidence, almost everyone I spoke to about the topic didn't have much thoughts on it either unless they had family or friends who were affected by it in the long term.


  1. Aliana, I think you did a really good job describing your customer avatar. I was really able to visualize the exact type of customer you set out to describe. Additionally, I feel like I am similar to your avatar as I feel the pressures to juul often times because of the people I associate with. However, I have seen first hand the affects that smoking and nicotine can have on ones health, so I have made a conscious decision to try and stay away from vape products.

  2. Hey Alina, you I like how you really created a backstory for the prototypical customer in your customer avatar. The present dangers of nicotine are really highlighted throughout your post and paint a picture as to how the Juul has perpetrated addiction in youth. Nice job, I agree with what you have to say in your post.
