Friday, April 12, 2019

26A – Celebrating Failure

1. I suck at parallel parking. Still to this day. Even though I practice it every once it a while and have my license. I'm a very nervous driver, I don't like driving at all. When I was practice driving to take my drivers license I would get very fidgety in the seat and my eyes would blur over and I would have to park constantly. I can drive perfectly fine now, sorta, but I just don't like to. However the main point is I still suck at parking, mainly parallel parking in general. My boyfriend has condemned my parking as a natural disaster. I hit poles and bumps all the time and have to park very far from other cars so that I can park. My boyfriend will take me to the back of a big lots by his house t help me practice getting better and I barely make it in the lines each time.

2. I have come to accept that I probably should get new glasses since the ones I wear don't really help me see all that well anymore and are 5 years old. And maybe take driving classes one day since every time people I know try to help me drive I always end up a mess and they don't help me very much.

3.Id like to think I handle failure in the same as the five stages of grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. So I start thinking just one more time and it'll work, it cant be this difficult. Then I get upset that I cant do something that's most likely pretty simple for others, then I'm like okay we can do this were just having an unlucky day. Then I get sad and ball up in the corner and maybe take a nap. After the nap then I'm like yeah okay this isn't gonna happen for me were gonna get some food and move on. From the classes I've learned that failure is natural and a part of life, not everything is going to work the first way you try it. I'm more open to failure now after failing at a lot of stuff in school and other things.


  1. I can relate so much to this! I wouldn't say I'm a nervous driver but honestly still have so much trouble parking even after I've been driving for almost 5 years... My parking spot at my apartment is super hard to get into and even though I do it every day, I still can't get into it straight lol. I love your positive perspective on failure though, you can never get defeated because failure will always be a part of life!

  2. Hey Aliana, I like your post. I can definitely relate to the need for new glasses, anyone that’s seen my glasses in person knows they are very thick. Good luck with your future failures, like you mentioned it is just a part of life. I guess it is just motivation to keep trying. Overall, failure is a great lesson in resilience.

  3. Hi Aliana,
    I too am a terrible parallel parker. My car at home even has the ability to do this automatically and all I have to do is hit the gas and brake, still I manage to mess it up. I laughed when you realized you needed new glasses, but I'm glad you did. Keep practicing and trying, sooner or later you will inevitably get it right.
