Friday, April 5, 2019

24A – Venture Concept No. 1

  • Opportunity:
My business targets young adults ages 13-22 who have any sort of relation to Juul use and possible nicotine addiction. Potential customers are those who are looking for info on health effects Juuls can cause, people who want to try or use it, and those already using it who want to quite. People look towards my business as a way to figure out what to do about the rising issue of nicotine addiction that occurs from prolonged use of Juuls which carry the amount of nicotine in a cigarette bow in one Juul pod. People are looking to break their habits or help prevent others from starting in the first place by getting educated about the topic.

Since the rise of vape products that began including nicotine as a new form of alternative cigarette, more products have come about since then that are purposed as safer and better for you. That new market lead to the creation of Juuls. Juuls have a sleek narrow USB like design making in small compact and easy to take with you everywhere, with pods that are easily interchangeable to switch when you run out of juice. As well as diverse fun flavors to choose to use. With such a booming market that explosively grew out of no where there weren't very many limitation to its beginning meaning almost anyone could get their hands on it and use it. As such many younger users who weren't the target audience for the product picked it up and made a trend of it which has lead to many developing nicotine addictions unaware of how severe it was.

 Those who developed addiction now live to satisfy it or have begun the path of breaking the habit, however many still lay shrouded in disbelief and ignorance unknown to the harmful effects the products in the Juice of pods can have on your lungs when inhaled. So many become victim to simple persuasion by others to try a product spoken as safe when really not, especially when containing nicotine. 

While new laws put in place to prevent under age individuals from harming their lungs have been put in place my business will stay thriving for a long time as nicotine use is still very big and integral part of trends today. Even  cigarettes which faced massive overhaul in how they were viewed and pushed to prevent use of many still take up the habit today. And easy example of this is social influences who set trends for others like childhood stars Dylan and Cole sprouse can regularly be seen in photos smoking cigarettes.
  • Innovation: 
 My business is centered as a building that deals in nicotine addiction, education, prevention, and overall helps deal with young adults who may be involved with vapes or Juuls. The primary goal is education and prevention, this is implemented by sending packages out to various schools and youth groups about our program and whether they would like to hire us or pay to visit our facilities to help teach their students about why Juuls shouldn't be used and what and where to go if thy already seem that they have a habit towards using it. I would say that it is similar to a planned parenthood but specifically for Nicotine related issues. Those that are older can also go to our facilities which will contain our own products of vapes decided and sold only to current addicts who wish to gradually decrease their nicotine intake until they can be independent from it.
 From the brochure package given to schools, they can hire us to give speeches and talks at their premises or have them come to us all at set rates for how long and how in depth we can go. You don't want to give a horrifying presentation to kids who will be scarred by it so there are levels to how much info we go over and the way we do so. An average rate for our services for a group that visits a school would be $50 bucks an hour for a 4 person team giving presentations.

  • Venture Concept:
 My business sets out to conquer the rising issue of nicotine addiction, its a simple goal that can take forever when you look a how hard it is to beat something that ingrains itself into you. But it will majorly impact the next generation by preventing more from following a trend that can harm their bodies and health. Customers will come to my business because they want better for themselves and others. I cant imagine any parent being too happy with the idea of their underage children smoking and blowing clouds every 30 minutes non stop sending 20 bucks a week on pod juice, while developing a cough and breathing issues. Its not a future many see them wanting for themselves and others so together we will rally to stop it at the source while the problem can be contained.
 While other companies may be able to provide help and outreach, I think our unique system and specific target towards prevention in youth will set us apart. Building a close base with the local community where the business is set up is the most important part to the desired positive launch of getting off our feet and into a fully functional place that many will call upon and visit when in need.

The three minor elements

My businesses secret sauce shall be the close connection to the community we will establish ourselves in, what goood is helping people if they dont trust you to be able to help them, take them seriously or listen. Having a good reputation and connection with the groups you want to reach is very important and will be what makes us differnt from other places who dont provide that home feeling.

Whats next is expansion into neighboring city's and towns with branch shops that will grow to help more people wherever they are. And also branch out into developing our own line of products that will be geared towards nicotine prevention and decreased use to help those who struggle even with the current products on market helping them curb addiction.

For me in five years time I like to think Id be giving a speech at the first launched store thanking all my employees for thier hand work in making a differnce in the world and all the lives of the people we help out.


  1. Hi Aliana,
    Great Venture Concept that you put together here. Only issue was that your third and fourth paragraphs come out in Greek for some reason, it's really odd, but besides that your list was very well thought up and it's obvious you spent a good amount of time for this assignment. I specifically like how you're already laying the groundwork for possible future expansion of your business!

  2. Hi Aliana!
    Your business plan couldn't have been more relevant to today's problem. Young adults are unfortunately getting addicted to nicotine from these Juul pods. Education is definitely important in ensuring that A. people don't begin the use of Juul pods and B. people get the help they need to quit their using of Juul pods. Your plan is great and could help save lives!
