Friday, February 1, 2019

8A Solving The Problem

My product/service has to do with curbing the usage and appeal of Juuls and vaping from young teens.

There may be laws requiring age of purchase to be 21+ and company ads to dissuade kids from using it as well as programs to educate on the harmful effects and why it shouldn't be used but the desire and appeal of having something that makes you cool and stand out is still there.

Something like a lollipop or a honey stick that maybe has some other kind of substance that gives people high like safe marijuana or at least something to get them going like caffeine to give that danger factor that people can show off and see but doesn't get them addicted or damage their health.
And couple that with something people can constantly use and talk about like a pet tamogachi, something to do and use and take care of which needs your attention. A safe way to distract teens keeping them out of trouble by having them distracted.

It would essentially work like fidget spinners but can be used frequently, not be interrupting and openly available for them to get and have access too.The purpose isn't to get ride of Juuls and vaping products but to lean teens into a more productive and safer way to get the thrill and influence they are looking for.

Not much can be done about addictive products that are so frequently popularized that after decreasing cigarette use it came back in a different form and started a new generation of addicted users. Giving families and schools an alternative to get students away from it is a different approach then trying to just talk them out of it, keep it away from them and leave it to chance that they will listen and obey.

1 comment:

  1. I think something that gets teens doing something more productive and safer than Juuling is obviously a great idea but what is the actual product you are proposing? I think teens are so drawn to the Juul because they are intrigued by the idea of smoking, or maybe it is simply doing something they know they aren't supposed to. I'm not sure if a lollipop or pet tamogachi will quite do the trick, but you are on the right track thinking of things that will distract them while keeping them out of trouble.
