Just like Mario Kart, when you get hit by a blue shell you get up and keep going
1) Tenaciousness is a competency. What are the behaviors that you have used (or developed) to keep up with the requirements of this course?
- I have to schedule in the time to watch the lectures, check what is needed to do for the assignments and put in the time and effort in doing them to get the good grades I want. Even if I'm not the smartest at grasping ideas immediately and need to spend more time studying to memorize and remember concept then that's just what I have to do to get to where I wanna be in the future. Sticky notes also help to keep me motivated and organized on what need sot be done.
2) Tenaciousness is also about attitude. Talk about a moment or two when you felt like "giving up." What pulled you through? Do you feel like you've developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months? What experience or experiences most contributed to this?
- I honestly feel like giving up everyday, the amount to force my bed has on me wanting to stay in bed and be lazy is immense and then I remember that I went into student loan debt to pay for these classes and go to this school, and I cant repay that by being broke and jobless. If I could win the lottery and take life easy I most certainly would be but I haven't won the lottery yet so we are as the memes say getting that bread.
3) Three tips. What are three tips you would offer next semester's student about (1) fostering the skills that support tenacity and (2) developing the 'tenacious mindset' ?
- Make yourself a week by week planner listing the assignments for each of your classes that need to get done that week. This helps me by being on top of my week to week stuff forcing me to check what I need to get done and keeps me organized. Set up your student email on your phone and make checking it round about through out the day regularly to keep up with announcements and things your teacher tells you. And the last is use sticky notes around your usual desk area that you do work in, looking up and seeing the tasks you need to do help, when always having to dig through pages of writing stuff that you need to do. The bright notes help you to notice one thing at at time and get things done more fluidly.
Hey Aliana,
ReplyDeleteI too have had to make a strict schedule with this class. I think it's very important in learning how to be an entrepreneur. It teaches you to get things done ahead of time instead of waiting until the last minute. This is important because you should always be the first to exploit an opportunity, instead of waiting until the last chance. This will be helpful in our future!
Hi Aliana,
ReplyDeleteI like the analogy of Mario Kart a lot. I too agree that sometimes being harsh on ourselves about the outcomes we may face after college, is the best motivator in encouraging tenacious and studious behaviors. Sometimes it takes a sort of "Ghost of Christmas Future" experience to realize just how bad things can be if we don't change
our ways for the better now.
ReplyDeleteHi Aliana,
I like how you compared taking a tenacious approach to this class and to Mario Kart. You make great points about how tenaciousness is all about competency and personal attitudes towards things. This class definitely requires a persistent grip on all the work that is expected. Nice job, I think you gave some great advice.