Report Finding and Drawing Conclusions:
In each interview I learned a way to improve and restructure my idea to better suit people and the ability to make it accessible.
My first interview, was a bit harsh and critical, pointing out small issues and probable troubles with my service. Highlighting how difficult it will be to date base student who already got signed off to test smoke to feel the harm, and how the school will need to provide a space for students to leave class to be in a space where they can feel the time consumption of smoke breaks and how it will need to be done regularly. No school realistically can alter their schedules when they have classes to teach.
The second interview went much like the first pointing out the parts that would be hard to accomplish. But this person added that gaining customers would do good by setting up a website and offering different programs and how extensive, like getting a motivational speaker would be. They choose how long and your group comes in and gives out flier and information aimed to reduce students from taking up the habit. They also said to combat schools from not being able to fully display what i want to get across in how dangerous it is. To make a building dedicated to preventing substance abuse overall in teens and have schools go to building as a field trip to receive the full go through of nicotine addiction and parental slips to allow some to try how horrible it feels.
My last interview suggested to me that the idea may be knocked off by students if done too cheesy. Since we all grew up seeing don't do drug ads and no smoking ads, they were just so forced and awkward to appeal to us that no one really like it, unless they gave us free stuff. He also thinks that if advertised it will get picked up by groups since its a growing issue, but the costs of it may be hard to implement since no one really wants to pay for that and schools and already poor enough as it is.
All in all I saw a different side of my business idea I hadn't previous discovered or thought of, that I may explore and incorporate into my plans. There definitely is more work to do, especially in the cost area and ability to get people to come use the service. I plan to implement the idea of building a set location for the company and having schools go to it for drug and teen substance abuse services. The costs will have to made up through the schools paying for the trip to enter and from sponsors who want to help educate youth and prevent them from becoming addicts and devolving health issues.
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Friday, February 22, 2019
14A – Halfway Reflection
Just like Mario Kart, when you get hit by a blue shell you get up and keep going
1) Tenaciousness is a competency. What are the behaviors that you have used (or developed) to keep up with the requirements of this course?
- I have to schedule in the time to watch the lectures, check what is needed to do for the assignments and put in the time and effort in doing them to get the good grades I want. Even if I'm not the smartest at grasping ideas immediately and need to spend more time studying to memorize and remember concept then that's just what I have to do to get to where I wanna be in the future. Sticky notes also help to keep me motivated and organized on what need sot be done.
2) Tenaciousness is also about attitude. Talk about a moment or two when you felt like "giving up." What pulled you through? Do you feel like you've developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months? What experience or experiences most contributed to this?
- I honestly feel like giving up everyday, the amount to force my bed has on me wanting to stay in bed and be lazy is immense and then I remember that I went into student loan debt to pay for these classes and go to this school, and I cant repay that by being broke and jobless. If I could win the lottery and take life easy I most certainly would be but I haven't won the lottery yet so we are as the memes say getting that bread.
3) Three tips. What are three tips you would offer next semester's student about (1) fostering the skills that support tenacity and (2) developing the 'tenacious mindset' ?
- Make yourself a week by week planner listing the assignments for each of your classes that need to get done that week. This helps me by being on top of my week to week stuff forcing me to check what I need to get done and keeps me organized. Set up your student email on your phone and make checking it round about through out the day regularly to keep up with announcements and things your teacher tells you. And the last is use sticky notes around your usual desk area that you do work in, looking up and seeing the tasks you need to do help, when always having to dig through pages of writing stuff that you need to do. The bright notes help you to notice one thing at at time and get things done more fluidly.
13A – Reading Reflection No. 1
1. Book: Grinding It Out
- What surprised me the most - Ray Kroc went from nothing to something all because of the invention of a milkshake machine called the Multi-mixer. This machine changed his life and rise of McDonald. The name which belonged to the guys who made the milkshake machine. The fact that he also had numerous physical ailments, and had people called him Danny Dreamer.
- What about the entrepreneur did you most admire? - How he was able to go from a paper cups sales man to building up an empire of burgers and milkshakes.
- What about the entrepreneur did you least admire? - Leaving the McDonald brothers yet keeping their name. Trying to leave his wife for another woman.
- Did the entrepreneur encounter adversity and failure? If so, what did they do about it? - His pay was cut during the great depression which lead to him quitting, but he got the job back and worked harder then ever to rise back up and show his worth.
2. What competencies did you notice that the entrepreneur exhibited? - He was a leader who looked for the best people to help him run his operations. He wanted McDonald's to commit to the "Quality, Service, Cleanliness, and Value" or "QSC and V".
3. Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you -
How the McDonald brothers were doing nothing to help Ray Kroc improve or the help company. That they only wanted to run their San Bernardino shop and didn't care about expanding or helping. Why give up a growing flourishing business.
4. If you were able to ask two questions to the entrepreneur, what would you ask? Why? - I would ask how big did he think McDonald would grow to be. And if he could have changed McDonald's name to something else early on what it would have been.
5. For fun: what do you think the entrepreneur's opinion was of hard work? Do you share that opinion? - I think he thought of hard work as the most naturalist thing to do to get to where you wanna be in life and achieve your goals and dreams. I would agree, with out ambition and self motivation, your dreams and riches wont just fall into your lap.
Friday, February 15, 2019
12A – Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1
Choosing a Segment:
- I decided on the segment being students. All three of my interviews are current UF students who are friends of a previous interviewed person. They are three males who each are battling with cutting off the Juuling nicotine addiction they developed at the same time my friend had. Two are also in the innovation program, the last one isn't. They each attend UF full time as students. None of them have jobs, focusing solely on school.
Person 1- From this interview I learned that the addiction came fast due to him and person two constantly using it for the fun flavors and high feeling that it gave them. He was the owner of the juul they used and didn't notice the lasting affect it had until he ran low on money to purchase more pods and couldn't satisfy the desire to use it. He doesn't believe that no matter how negation is placed against the product even through trying it, people will eventually fall to using it if in the right setting with others who encourage it.
Person 2- This interview showed me how even trying not to get addicted can be troublesome. He only used person 1's Juul every once in a while that they hung out and pitched in money to help buy the juul pods. Eventually person two said they realized they couldn't go without hitting it almost constantly and hid using it in class that he had to buy his own for use. Hes already lost 2 juul's he purchased and is now on his third. They are so small they get lost often and many people try to borrow and binge off of those who own one, trying to avoid buying their own, trying to fool themselves that they aren't addicted or becoming addicted. He believe with proper set up and instruction the service may work by showing how much money is really wasted on it.
Person 3- This interview taught me that even those who arent as addicted to Juulig compared to others can still have issue. He is at the stage of not owning one but still taking hits from other people Juuls. He realized Juuling was an issue and tries to sparingly use it and actively tries not to at all ever since almost getting kicked out of a club when the bouncer saw him using the Juul and almost threw him out over it. Hes also seen a few others have this happen to them, where they were kicked out of places for using it, when they were so dependent on it, they could hardly go a few minutes without constantly using it wherever they go. He hoped that those who use the program and attend the forced standing in the secluded area would be able to realize the harsh reality of it early on.
What I learned:
-From what was said between the three interviews, Juuling comes as a subtle addiction that takes over before one realizes. Unlike cigarettes where it was just seen as common. They were aware that the Juuls nicotine and liquid contents may cause issue but none believed they would use it to the point they would become addict or be dependent on it. A Juul is commonly seen as an essential party tool in the beginning much like alcohol is. But its use soon spreads beyond that, once addicted they all try to first cut spending of going through so many pods, cutting back and not allowing others to use their Juuls. The next step is try to lower dosage which until recently wasn't possible, they recently did made pods in lower nicotine content. Previously all pods had 5 percent nicotine equal to one pack of cigarettes. They now offer ones with 3 percent nicotine. Not much else can be done except slowly fade off usage and dosage until they can go without it eventually.
This Segment:
- As a person who is also apart of this segment, I know that we all went through school being told to not smoke and to not do drugs, yet here we are with suffering the same problem in a new form. No matter how informative and knowledgeable, taking away the appeal and desire to try the product is the biggest step to prevent people from falling victim to the product and a lifetime of addiction.
- I decided on the segment being students. All three of my interviews are current UF students who are friends of a previous interviewed person. They are three males who each are battling with cutting off the Juuling nicotine addiction they developed at the same time my friend had. Two are also in the innovation program, the last one isn't. They each attend UF full time as students. None of them have jobs, focusing solely on school.
Person 1- From this interview I learned that the addiction came fast due to him and person two constantly using it for the fun flavors and high feeling that it gave them. He was the owner of the juul they used and didn't notice the lasting affect it had until he ran low on money to purchase more pods and couldn't satisfy the desire to use it. He doesn't believe that no matter how negation is placed against the product even through trying it, people will eventually fall to using it if in the right setting with others who encourage it.
Person 2- This interview showed me how even trying not to get addicted can be troublesome. He only used person 1's Juul every once in a while that they hung out and pitched in money to help buy the juul pods. Eventually person two said they realized they couldn't go without hitting it almost constantly and hid using it in class that he had to buy his own for use. Hes already lost 2 juul's he purchased and is now on his third. They are so small they get lost often and many people try to borrow and binge off of those who own one, trying to avoid buying their own, trying to fool themselves that they aren't addicted or becoming addicted. He believe with proper set up and instruction the service may work by showing how much money is really wasted on it.
Person 3- This interview taught me that even those who arent as addicted to Juulig compared to others can still have issue. He is at the stage of not owning one but still taking hits from other people Juuls. He realized Juuling was an issue and tries to sparingly use it and actively tries not to at all ever since almost getting kicked out of a club when the bouncer saw him using the Juul and almost threw him out over it. Hes also seen a few others have this happen to them, where they were kicked out of places for using it, when they were so dependent on it, they could hardly go a few minutes without constantly using it wherever they go. He hoped that those who use the program and attend the forced standing in the secluded area would be able to realize the harsh reality of it early on.
What I learned:
-From what was said between the three interviews, Juuling comes as a subtle addiction that takes over before one realizes. Unlike cigarettes where it was just seen as common. They were aware that the Juuls nicotine and liquid contents may cause issue but none believed they would use it to the point they would become addict or be dependent on it. A Juul is commonly seen as an essential party tool in the beginning much like alcohol is. But its use soon spreads beyond that, once addicted they all try to first cut spending of going through so many pods, cutting back and not allowing others to use their Juuls. The next step is try to lower dosage which until recently wasn't possible, they recently did made pods in lower nicotine content. Previously all pods had 5 percent nicotine equal to one pack of cigarettes. They now offer ones with 3 percent nicotine. Not much else can be done except slowly fade off usage and dosage until they can go without it eventually.
This Segment:
- As a person who is also apart of this segment, I know that we all went through school being told to not smoke and to not do drugs, yet here we are with suffering the same problem in a new form. No matter how informative and knowledgeable, taking away the appeal and desire to try the product is the biggest step to prevent people from falling victim to the product and a lifetime of addiction.
11A – Idea Napkin No. 1
You: My name is Aliana Chu, I am a UF student in my second year, attending school to gain a bachelors in Plant Science. I have a talent in leadership and teamwork, and am working towards becoming president of one of the clubs I am in. I have a passion for organizing, and ensuring everything gets done on time. I aspire to grow and expand my skill sets to be able to multitask and tackle any problem head on. If I were to start this business concept I foresee it coming across much negative reaction, and problems when applied to those of young age, but being an essential piece to decreasing use of nicotine products in teens. It would occupy much of my time and devotion to get it off the ground and be in a setting to positively affect the future but be worth it in the long run.
What are you offering to customers: I am offering schools and youth groups a service that will help make nicotine products less appealing to students and teens. This service will target the social and aesthetic appeal of Juuls which have recently skyrocketed in popularity. Students will be given the typical spiel of the negative things that can occur but told in the opposite way. Ex. "If you would like lung cancer and to spend $20-40 dollars a week I would recommend using juuls". And through certified people parents can opt to choose to allow their child to take part in trying a cigarette and juul. And will then be take to a special location at the school or wherever that will be designed to allow smokers. And students will be taken there a few times each day for a week where they will have no phone access, have to stand, and not be allowed to talk, to fully experience how addiction will take so much time out of your life and keep you from being able to fully enjoy going places.
Who are you offering it to: It is being offered to middle school and high schools, as well as youth group programs that wish to deter kids who may think of picking up a bad trend and habit. These organization will be able to choose whether they want to try our more extreme approach of stopping nicotine addiction. Trained groups will go to the schools ans set up the program for the week and talk to students during that time and show how devastating and impactful and addiction can be from something simple and harmless looking.
Why do they care: They care because Juul use is on the rise in teens and a new generation of people falling to nicotine addiction is occurring. The same methods that helped stop cigarette use may not be as effective for Juuls as many consider it to safe and less armful then cigarettes. While many youth are also ignorant towards the idea of being able to overcome the urge to use a nicotine product whenever they feel like it. Pushing the idea for students to be able to each take a breath of a Juul and cigarette will most likely hurt their lungs a bit, hopefully giving them the long lasting memory of not wanting to try the product again. Once a child has done it once they will also be placed in a system so they shall not be allowed to try it again in the program.
What are your core competencies: While other programs created aim to educate students on the negatives of what happens if you try nicotine. Our product actually physical tries to implement it with the approval of parents in a set setting for them to see the true dangers. If they opt out they will still experience the classroom setting where they get to truly experience how distrustful this addiction will be. This may also be the first program to specifically tackle use of Juuls since it came out recently.
I believe that the elements work together but do propose a risky plan that many may not be fully supported and may be found as too much of a distraction to student school work that schools may not want to participate.
What are you offering to customers: I am offering schools and youth groups a service that will help make nicotine products less appealing to students and teens. This service will target the social and aesthetic appeal of Juuls which have recently skyrocketed in popularity. Students will be given the typical spiel of the negative things that can occur but told in the opposite way. Ex. "If you would like lung cancer and to spend $20-40 dollars a week I would recommend using juuls". And through certified people parents can opt to choose to allow their child to take part in trying a cigarette and juul. And will then be take to a special location at the school or wherever that will be designed to allow smokers. And students will be taken there a few times each day for a week where they will have no phone access, have to stand, and not be allowed to talk, to fully experience how addiction will take so much time out of your life and keep you from being able to fully enjoy going places.
Who are you offering it to: It is being offered to middle school and high schools, as well as youth group programs that wish to deter kids who may think of picking up a bad trend and habit. These organization will be able to choose whether they want to try our more extreme approach of stopping nicotine addiction. Trained groups will go to the schools ans set up the program for the week and talk to students during that time and show how devastating and impactful and addiction can be from something simple and harmless looking.
Why do they care: They care because Juul use is on the rise in teens and a new generation of people falling to nicotine addiction is occurring. The same methods that helped stop cigarette use may not be as effective for Juuls as many consider it to safe and less armful then cigarettes. While many youth are also ignorant towards the idea of being able to overcome the urge to use a nicotine product whenever they feel like it. Pushing the idea for students to be able to each take a breath of a Juul and cigarette will most likely hurt their lungs a bit, hopefully giving them the long lasting memory of not wanting to try the product again. Once a child has done it once they will also be placed in a system so they shall not be allowed to try it again in the program.
What are your core competencies: While other programs created aim to educate students on the negatives of what happens if you try nicotine. Our product actually physical tries to implement it with the approval of parents in a set setting for them to see the true dangers. If they opt out they will still experience the classroom setting where they get to truly experience how distrustful this addiction will be. This may also be the first program to specifically tackle use of Juuls since it came out recently.
I believe that the elements work together but do propose a risky plan that many may not be fully supported and may be found as too much of a distraction to student school work that schools may not want to participate.
Friday, February 8, 2019
9A - Testing the Hypothesis Part 2
Who: Through my interviews, and some after thought tweaking to my previous solution, I realized that even if there is something marketed toward those addicted to the Juul or who want to use it those who don't care for it at all will may likely judge those who use it for becoming addicted to something. Or because many are young and rebellious they may start taking up the addiction just because they enjoy rebellion and don't want to listen to adults telling them what to do and setting limits on their freedom. And then there are those who simply will never have a need to distract themselves from something they don't want to do in the first place.
What: Trying to appeal to students in general to distract them from the issue also doesn't solve the root cause of it. You will only delay their ability to get the product rather then get rid of its appeal. From the hodge podge of ideas I had written before my interviews brought me to realize that rather then treating it as an evil and trying to force stop it, I need to focus on making it so uninteresting they never begin.
Why: Making the idea of juuling and smoking boring and uninteresting stems from two people I interviewed who brought the comparison that in other countries its been said that alcohol and drugs aren't as abused or cared for in places where its normalized and allowed. Having something around you which is very common and mundane decreases the impact for it to be something rebellious and appealing. This way no one finds it as interesting to do when you can do it whenever.
Inside the boundary
Who: Students aged 14 -21+ using nicotine products or want to use them
What: To reduce nicotine addiction from rising in teens
Why: Students who want to be rebellious, seem cool/trendy, have interest in trying something dangerous.
Outside the Boundary
Who: Students 14-21+ without interest in smoking and nicotine use, those who don't care if others are addicted or not.
What: To eliminate all nicotine use and products, Allow addicts to be addicted forever
Why: Believe those who make bad decisions get what was coming to them. Those who know better then to try there luck with addictive products.
(This may have been a bit rambled and confusing but I hope some of the main points were understandable.)
What: Trying to appeal to students in general to distract them from the issue also doesn't solve the root cause of it. You will only delay their ability to get the product rather then get rid of its appeal. From the hodge podge of ideas I had written before my interviews brought me to realize that rather then treating it as an evil and trying to force stop it, I need to focus on making it so uninteresting they never begin.
Why: Making the idea of juuling and smoking boring and uninteresting stems from two people I interviewed who brought the comparison that in other countries its been said that alcohol and drugs aren't as abused or cared for in places where its normalized and allowed. Having something around you which is very common and mundane decreases the impact for it to be something rebellious and appealing. This way no one finds it as interesting to do when you can do it whenever.
Inside the boundary
Who: Students aged 14 -21+ using nicotine products or want to use them
What: To reduce nicotine addiction from rising in teens
Why: Students who want to be rebellious, seem cool/trendy, have interest in trying something dangerous.
Outside the Boundary
Who: Students 14-21+ without interest in smoking and nicotine use, those who don't care if others are addicted or not.
What: To eliminate all nicotine use and products, Allow addicts to be addicted forever
Why: Believe those who make bad decisions get what was coming to them. Those who know better then to try there luck with addictive products.
(This may have been a bit rambled and confusing but I hope some of the main points were understandable.)
Friday, February 1, 2019
8A Solving The Problem
My product/service has to do with curbing the usage and appeal of Juuls and vaping from young teens.
There may be laws requiring age of purchase to be 21+ and company ads to dissuade kids from using it as well as programs to educate on the harmful effects and why it shouldn't be used but the desire and appeal of having something that makes you cool and stand out is still there.
Something like a lollipop or a honey stick that maybe has some other kind of substance that gives people high like safe marijuana or at least something to get them going like caffeine to give that danger factor that people can show off and see but doesn't get them addicted or damage their health.
And couple that with something people can constantly use and talk about like a pet tamogachi, something to do and use and take care of which needs your attention. A safe way to distract teens keeping them out of trouble by having them distracted.
It would essentially work like fidget spinners but can be used frequently, not be interrupting and openly available for them to get and have access too.The purpose isn't to get ride of Juuls and vaping products but to lean teens into a more productive and safer way to get the thrill and influence they are looking for.
Not much can be done about addictive products that are so frequently popularized that after decreasing cigarette use it came back in a different form and started a new generation of addicted users. Giving families and schools an alternative to get students away from it is a different approach then trying to just talk them out of it, keep it away from them and leave it to chance that they will listen and obey.
There may be laws requiring age of purchase to be 21+ and company ads to dissuade kids from using it as well as programs to educate on the harmful effects and why it shouldn't be used but the desire and appeal of having something that makes you cool and stand out is still there.
Something like a lollipop or a honey stick that maybe has some other kind of substance that gives people high like safe marijuana or at least something to get them going like caffeine to give that danger factor that people can show off and see but doesn't get them addicted or damage their health.
And couple that with something people can constantly use and talk about like a pet tamogachi, something to do and use and take care of which needs your attention. A safe way to distract teens keeping them out of trouble by having them distracted.
It would essentially work like fidget spinners but can be used frequently, not be interrupting and openly available for them to get and have access too.The purpose isn't to get ride of Juuls and vaping products but to lean teens into a more productive and safer way to get the thrill and influence they are looking for.
Not much can be done about addictive products that are so frequently popularized that after decreasing cigarette use it came back in a different form and started a new generation of addicted users. Giving families and schools an alternative to get students away from it is a different approach then trying to just talk them out of it, keep it away from them and leave it to chance that they will listen and obey.
7A - Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1
Preventing teens from Juuling
Opportunity: Young teens becoming addicted to nicotine is on the rise, ruining their lungs and causing lasting addiction while underage.
Who: Young adults and teens aging 14-21+
What: Illegal underage use and harmful addiction
Why: Young people thinking its hip, trendy and cool
Testing the Who: This is also important to the Juul and vape companies that are advertising and promoting their products usage while underage minors are taking it up when not allowed. They must enforce its limitation, just as smoking companies had to put reminders of the dangerous health effects.
Testing the What: While those over 21 can legally purchase and use nicotine products when vaping with nicotine juices was gaining popularity while i was in high school the laws said you had to be 21 to purchase but there was no are restriction on actual usage at that time. If you already had one you could use it, just not buy, I'm not sure if the laws are still the same out there are changes to still be made. Many older people are now taking it up to curb off their smoking addiction by using lower dosages of nicotine found in the various pod and juice options.
Testing the Why: Trends come and go but those that involve addictive substances don't. After all the effort of adults curbing generation after them to no take up smoking, the invention of Juuls and vaping brought the cycle right back. Something about the allure of the dangerous product, the high feeling of nicotine and the way media portrays it in a positive light. A factor of teen rebellion is also common.
Interview 1: He who shall not be named grew up in a family of smokers. His parents tried to hid it as well as possible and avoid exposing them to second hand smoke but the smell and effects still linger. He accredits his mother curbing off her smoking and watching his older brother take up smoking and its effects as why he himself never took it up. His father still smoke but is now using vaping to work off the addiction after getting down to a pack a day. His father and brother are adamant about him not taking smoking up knowing full and well the effects.
Interview 2: He who shall not be named is a friend who was slowly on the path to becoming forever addicted to Juuls. He accredits luck to losing the bad habit as over time after taking hits to the Juul his lungs began hurting and his health deteriorated. He now tries to help his friends curb their addiction. Watching them waste their money has made him even more aware of how bad it has and how lucky he was able to get off of it before it got worse.
Interview 3: He who shall not be named is a veteran and previous smoker. He has been clean for some years now. Quitting was very hard and he went back a few times. When working off the addiction he said his lungs hurt from what he described and all the junk from the cigarettes trying to be flushed out his body now that he was off of it. He said it was like tar had formed on his lungs and truly noticed how it affected his breathing. He recommends vaping for those curbing smoking but not to use juuls on its own as the addiction simple isn't worth it.
Interview 4: She who shall not be named has never tried cigarettes but has tried the occasional juul and vaping while in social gatherings with friends. She has said that even those she occasional uses them that shed probably never get addicted but there is no such thing as a guarantee. She uses her friends stuff and avoids the idea of buying her own and those around her who did can no longer go without. She also considers it a massive expense as some friends go through a pod or multiple pods a day and each one equals a pack of cigarettes. A pack of 4 pods used to be around 20 or more dollars.
Interview 5: She who shall not be named has never used Juuls or pods and considers the hype and interest in it as strange. Claiming it as a waste of money and a long term expense. She can understand previous smokers using it to quit but can't reason with why kids are using it. She finds the creation to Juuls to be the catalyst for all the troubles as its usb like design makes it too easy to use and sneak around.
Findings: Surprisingly enough even though some were addicted and liked it before many were against the usage and condemned it. None thought that it was something that should be used unless in the act of curbing off cigarette addiction. While many talked of the troubles of how the product of nicotine was addicting they didn't mention much on how the environment around them promoting its usage was at fault. Perhaps they thought the fault mainly laid on themselves for trying and using it then falling addicted or just didn't think of how strong influence of those around you is.
Opportunity: Young teens becoming addicted to nicotine is on the rise, ruining their lungs and causing lasting addiction while underage.
Who: Young adults and teens aging 14-21+
What: Illegal underage use and harmful addiction
Why: Young people thinking its hip, trendy and cool
Testing the Who: This is also important to the Juul and vape companies that are advertising and promoting their products usage while underage minors are taking it up when not allowed. They must enforce its limitation, just as smoking companies had to put reminders of the dangerous health effects.
Testing the What: While those over 21 can legally purchase and use nicotine products when vaping with nicotine juices was gaining popularity while i was in high school the laws said you had to be 21 to purchase but there was no are restriction on actual usage at that time. If you already had one you could use it, just not buy, I'm not sure if the laws are still the same out there are changes to still be made. Many older people are now taking it up to curb off their smoking addiction by using lower dosages of nicotine found in the various pod and juice options.
Testing the Why: Trends come and go but those that involve addictive substances don't. After all the effort of adults curbing generation after them to no take up smoking, the invention of Juuls and vaping brought the cycle right back. Something about the allure of the dangerous product, the high feeling of nicotine and the way media portrays it in a positive light. A factor of teen rebellion is also common.
Interview 1: He who shall not be named grew up in a family of smokers. His parents tried to hid it as well as possible and avoid exposing them to second hand smoke but the smell and effects still linger. He accredits his mother curbing off her smoking and watching his older brother take up smoking and its effects as why he himself never took it up. His father still smoke but is now using vaping to work off the addiction after getting down to a pack a day. His father and brother are adamant about him not taking smoking up knowing full and well the effects.
Interview 2: He who shall not be named is a friend who was slowly on the path to becoming forever addicted to Juuls. He accredits luck to losing the bad habit as over time after taking hits to the Juul his lungs began hurting and his health deteriorated. He now tries to help his friends curb their addiction. Watching them waste their money has made him even more aware of how bad it has and how lucky he was able to get off of it before it got worse.
Interview 3: He who shall not be named is a veteran and previous smoker. He has been clean for some years now. Quitting was very hard and he went back a few times. When working off the addiction he said his lungs hurt from what he described and all the junk from the cigarettes trying to be flushed out his body now that he was off of it. He said it was like tar had formed on his lungs and truly noticed how it affected his breathing. He recommends vaping for those curbing smoking but not to use juuls on its own as the addiction simple isn't worth it.
Interview 4: She who shall not be named has never tried cigarettes but has tried the occasional juul and vaping while in social gatherings with friends. She has said that even those she occasional uses them that shed probably never get addicted but there is no such thing as a guarantee. She uses her friends stuff and avoids the idea of buying her own and those around her who did can no longer go without. She also considers it a massive expense as some friends go through a pod or multiple pods a day and each one equals a pack of cigarettes. A pack of 4 pods used to be around 20 or more dollars.
Interview 5: She who shall not be named has never used Juuls or pods and considers the hype and interest in it as strange. Claiming it as a waste of money and a long term expense. She can understand previous smokers using it to quit but can't reason with why kids are using it. She finds the creation to Juuls to be the catalyst for all the troubles as its usb like design makes it too easy to use and sneak around.
Findings: Surprisingly enough even though some were addicted and liked it before many were against the usage and condemned it. None thought that it was something that should be used unless in the act of curbing off cigarette addiction. While many talked of the troubles of how the product of nicotine was addicting they didn't mention much on how the environment around them promoting its usage was at fault. Perhaps they thought the fault mainly laid on themselves for trying and using it then falling addicted or just didn't think of how strong influence of those around you is.
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